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ページID:0003795 更新日:2024年3月5日更新 印刷ページ表示

Nezu Memorial Museum

Nezu Memorial Museum [PDFファイル/1.03MB] is a restored mansion of Kaichiro Nezu also known as 'The King of Railway' and his family.
Nezu Kaichiro was a Yamanashi business man who at one time owned more than 136 businesses, including at least 24 railroad-related companies. He was the first president of Tobu Railway
The buildings such as the old main house, the tenement house gate, and the storehouse are tangible cultural assets designated by the government. A guesthouse and tearoom are available for rent and the museum has both a permanent collection as well as special works on loan.
The garden has a pine tree transplanted from Nezu's villa in Oiso, Kanangawa, and a pond designed by Kaichiro with a view of both Mt. Fuji and Misaka Mountain.
Please come and see the extensive traditional Japanese architecture and enjoy the seasonal landscape of old trees, mountain plants and flowers in the garden.

  • Address    296 Shotokuji, Yamanashi City (free parking available)
  • Closed on Mondays,Tuesdays (if Monday is a holiday, closed onTuesdays and Wednesday.) and New Years.
  • Hours of Operation    9:30am to 4:30pm
  • Admissions    free
  • Phone    0553-21-8250
  • Fax    0553-21-8251
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English Guide
